Community Life

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Community Life For All Ages


Hearts of Fire

Praise & Worship


Share Groups

Social Events

Community Life


St Thomas Aquinas called the Eucharist the “source and summit of our faith” and there is no greater purpose for our community than to gather and celebrate the catholic liturgy.  Check our calendar for opportunities to celebrate Mass with us!

Sing to the LORD a new song;
Sing to the LORD, all the earth.

Sing to the LORD, bless His name;
Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.

-Psalm 96:1-2

Community Life

Praise and Worship

Praise and Worship meetings provide an opportunity for the Community members to come together to praise and thank Him for all that He has done for us.  The meeting may consist of charismatic praise and worship, a talk given by one of the members on a prepared topic, personal testimony or sharing, prophetic words led by the Spirit, and songs. On some evenings there may be times for prayer ministry and healing or a social time at the end of the meeting.

Be sure to check our Event Schedule.

Join us in person. or both Livestreamed and on demand on YouTube “CoGL Live”


Community Life

Sharing Groups

Community life is enhanced when we come together in share groups on a weekly basis to share various aspects of our lives. It is the primary way that we experience the committed relationships in community.  Time is spent in a variety of ways, depending on the dynamics of each group.

These are typical activities that share groups can engage in depending on their preferences: prayer, Liturgy of the Hours, scripture study, intercessory prayer, studying church teachings, caring for one another’s needs, personal sharing and support, doing service projects, supporting family and relationships and enjoying social activities together.   Every community member is expected to participate in either a men’s, women’s or couples group.

“For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” 
Matthew 18:20

“Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity.”
– 1 Timothy 4:12

Community Life

Hearts of Fire

As a community, we recognize that our youth are not just the future of the Community; they are truly a vital part of the Community life today.  They are fully counted in our daily life and caring for their needs is very important to us.  Through our youth ministry we challenge our children to love Christ, embrace His call on them to fully participate in the life of the Church and of our Community. 


Community Life


The retreats are a wonderful way for all Community members to gather together for a special time of renewal.  The retreats may take place over the course of a weekend, or a single day or an evening of renewal.  The themes are planned each year according to the needs of the specific group: men, women or young adults and teenagers. It could be an event where participants get to know one another in spiritual understanding and fellowship; it could be a directed retreat or a retreat in which silence and individual prayer is fostered.

These retreats are usually open to anyone to attend unless otherwise noted in the retreat announcement.  Each retreat typically has time for liturgies, talks, praise and worship, confession and time for quiet reflection depending on the length and purpose of the retreat. Please see our Schedule of Events.

“The Lord’s day is the original feast day, and it should be proposed to the piety of the faithful and taught to them in such a way that it may become in fact a day of joy and of freedom from work.” Vatican II, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, V:106

Community Life

Social Events

The Community enjoys times of fellowship when we can all come together to share and enjoy special moments of fun and good times.  These events include picnics, socials after praise and worship meetings, pot luck dinners, Christmas parties, talent shows, and Lord’s Day dinners.

Lord’s Day dinners or some form of this celebration goes back to the earliest days of the Charismatic Renewal and in many forms today it is part of the life of communities and student groups on Catholic campuses around the country.  It is an informal family based service of prayers, blessings and songs normally conducted around the dining room table on Saturday evenings, when, according to liturgical time, Sunday, the Lord’s Day officially begins (Jones & Meyer, Living the Gospel as a Way of Life, 2014) The celebration of the Lord’s Day officially inaugurates and offers the Sunday as a day of rest and worship that is sacred to the Lord.  While it borrows from the Jewish Sabbath tradition, it is not a liturgical service nor does it supplant our Sunday obligation to attend Mass. Rather, it is a way to end the work week and offer to God the Sunday for Him as day of joy and freedom from work.